Vamchoir Sings Praises Of Vampires EVERYWHERE!

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Ravena & The Resurrected Is Now On Amazon

It's official! Ravena & The Resurrected (R&R) is now available on Amazon! What better way to rest and relax than to sit back and read an exciting vampire/werewolf tale? Get your R&R today!

NEW UPDATE: As of January 1, 2011, Ravena & The Resurrected was pulled from the Amazon store due to that giant's new policy of lending out author merchandise somewhat willy nilly with no benefit whatsoever to the writer or publisher. Since Kindle owners can still download Ravena & The Resurrected from Smashwords, we felt this change would not be a burden to our customers. SEARCH: "Ravena & The Resurrected, by Tami Jackson."

NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHER: We at SunTiger MOJO shop "fair trade," even when that applies to the coffee we drink. When we do business, we expect corporate partners to be honoring of a fair exchange for the supplier, store and customer alike. When a partner does not exercise mutually beneficial business practices to all parties involved, we take it upon ourselves to find new partners who do.  

Famous Vampire Quotation

Famous Vampire Quotation